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TMJ Treatment in Grand Rapids, MI

Oct 19

Do you have TMJ symptoms? TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint disorder. TMJ in Grand Rapids, MI, is a condition that affects the jaw joint, causing pain and stiffness in the muscles of the face and neck and headaches. Symptoms can also include earaches, ringing or buzzing in one or both ears, dizziness, problems with swallowing and speaking, reduced sense of taste and smell due to pressure on specific nerves around your mouth in Grand Rapids.

What is TMJ Disorder in Grands Rapids, MI?

TMJ Disorder is a condition that affects the TMJ joints of the jaw. TMJ Disorders can cause pain, difficulty chewing and moving the jaw, and clicking or popping sounds when you move your jaw. TMJ treatment in Grand Rapids can result from injury, aging, and stress to the TMJ joints and related structures. TMJs support the mandible and keep it in contact with the skull’s temporal bone so they can work together to allow for chewing, speaking, and swallowing. TMJs also help to protect your brain from trauma occurring during accidents such as falls. In addition, TMJs are essential for supporting facial muscles, allowing for normal chewing motion, and assisting people in speaking clearly. TMJ treatment in Grand Rapids may be repaired through surgery or reinforced through physical therapy in Grand Rapids, MI.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorder in Grands Rapids, MI, is a chronic disease that affects the TMJ joints and TMJ muscles. TMJ disorder commonly occurs as a result of poorly aligned TMJs, muscle fatigue, and stress. TMJ disorder may cause limited movement of the TMJs, severe pain in the jaw, and an inability to open and close your mouth (can lead to difficulty eating).

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder:

  • TMJ popping or clicking
  • Severe pain in the TMJs, jaw, and face
  • Difficulty opening/closing your mouth for extended periods (can lead to difficulty eating)
  • Swelling around one or both TMJs.
  • Other symptoms include stiffness when moving the neck, headaches, earaches, toothache/cavities near affected teeth. It may also cause stress on different parts of the body due to muscles compensating for lack of motion from TMJ.

Symptoms usually worsen after resting directly following strenuous activities such as working out at a gym or lifting heavy objects at work. When symptoms are severe enough that you cannot fully open your mouth in Grands Rapids, MI, TMJ is diagnosed as a locked jaw.

Causes of TMJ Disorder

TMJ is caused by several factors, including genetics, incorrect chewing, TMJ disorder in Grand Rapids, MI, and stress. TMJ treatment in Grand Rapids can also result from a medical condition such as arthritis or TMJ in Grand Rapids, MI. TMJ is more prevalent in women than men. Other risk factors include family history and age.

In addition to TMJ being caused by external factors, it can also result from internal factors such as stress. TMJ results from an extended period of clenching your teeth together, putting pressure on your jaw joints. TMJ can cause TMJ disorder in Grand Rapids, MI, and pain. It is essential to manage this discomfort as TMJ could also lead to TMJ surgery if it persists over time.

Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco are additional risk factors that should be considered when considering TMJ treatment in Grand Rapids, MI. These habits increase the likelihood of developing TMJ by adding stress on the jaw joints, which may ultimately result in a more severe case of TMJ requiring direct intervention such as oral appliance therapy or physical therapy in Grands Rapids, MI.

Treatment for TMJ Disorders in Grand Rapids, MI

There are many TMJ treatment options in Grand Rapids, MI. TMJ treatments include:

  • Physical therapy – either under the guidance of a TMJ specialist or with a general physical therapist;
  • TMJ splints – such as the Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) or TMJ mouthpiece;
  • TMJ counseling – such as through educational seminars, professional training programs, and self-help materials; and
  • TMJ appliances – such as occlusal splints, Bite plates, upper jaw aligners
  • TMJ night guards and Tinnitus sound generators

TMJ treatment options are available to patients with TMJ disorders in Grand Rapids. There are no side effects of TMJ treatments, although there is some discomfort during the initial stages of wearing a TMJ mouthpiece or occlusal splint. However, most people in Grands Rapids, MI, find that this pain goes away after one week as their muscles get used to the new equipment.

Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ, PC
4820 Cascade Rd SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546
(616) 454-1482