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Self-Control Of Emotions

Feb 8

Controlling one's emotional state is known as emotion regulation. Anger and anxiety can be reduced by changing one's perspective on a stressful circumstance, disguising one's feelings of sadness or dread, and focusing on the positive.


Emotional Regulation

Emotion management often entails what scientists call "down-regulation," or lessening the strength of emotions, however there are various strategies to improve one's emotional condition. By recalling something entertaining, a bereaved individual may be able to lessen his or her grief. Distracting oneself from the notion that is creating one's anxiety is a way for an anxious individual to cope. It is possible to "up-regulate," or increase one's feelings of fear or excitement, as part of the process of emotional regulation.

There are different moments in time where people can take action to manage their emotions, such as before they feel an emotion (called "antecedent-focused emotion regulation") and after they have already started reacting emotionally (called "response-focused emotion regulation").


What are some simple techniques for managing one's emotions?

For example, reappraisal—changing one's thoughts about what triggered an emotion in order to alter one's emotional response—is a type of emotion management that has been related to more unfavorable results. Other options include altering one's environment, moving one's focus, and attempting to accept one's emotions as they are.


Emotional outbursts can be controlled, but how can I do this?

Emotional self-control can be improved with the assistance of a qualified therapist, who can teach you techniques such as accepting one's feelings without judgment, focusing on the positive aspects of a situation, or changing one's perspective on a terrible experience.


Why Emotional Control Is Essential

Adults, as opposed to children, are supposed to be able to control their emotions in a way that is acceptable to others. Having lost control of one's emotions, people are more likely to say or do things they later regret. There are a variety of mental illnesses that are characterized by a lack of control over one's emotions. A person's personal well-being and social relationships may suffer as a result.


Emotions that are the most difficult to manage are:

Emotional states like anger, resentment and disappointment are commonly felt but should not be pathologized unnecessarily. Some mental health conditions, such as borderline personality disorder or depression, may be exacerbated by a person's inability to effectively manage their emotions.


What are some of the repercussions of a lack of emotional control?

Neglecting to regulate strong emotions like rage, worry, or fear can lead to a variety of problems, including damage to personal relationships, unneeded pain, and missed opportunities. Emotional control may be connected with a decreased sense of well-being and happiness in relationships if people tend to keep their emotions bottled up too often.